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You may apply for family reunification for:




in the event of complete invalidity


in 2 circumstances:

  • parents aged under 65 without children in the country of origin;
  • parents aged over 65 with children in the country of origin being unable to support them due to health problems;
UPON ARRIVAL IN ITALY parents AGED OVER 65 are OBLIGED to register to the National Health Service or to take out a private health insurance.

    • Stamp duty of euro 16;
    • PEC certified email address

    • Photocopy of your lasting at least one-year updated residence permit;
    • Copy of your passport;
    • Copy of your tax code (Codice Fiscale);
    • Copy of your identity card
    • Copy of the reunited family members’ passport;
    • For minor children: data collection form for the provincial school office (if not available, acquire the data to fill the form from your country of origin);
    • An undertaking statement to take out health insurance (only if the reunited family member is a parent aged over 65)

    • Self-certification of residence and family status (and of other residents with separate family status, if required);
    • Certificate of proof of suitability of accomodation and health eligibility to be issued by the municipality of residence;
    • Copy of the rent contract (or free loan for use) registered at the italian revenue agency (Agenzia delle Entrate) or copy of the property agreement of the house or cadastral certificates (visura catastale);
    • If the tenancy agreement is registered to a person other than the applicant, provide consent by filling form S1 or T2, attach a copy of the ID and annual tax paid to the Revenue Agency;
    • In relation to the number of members indicated into the certificate of proof of suitability of accomodation it is allowed to exceed it ONLY IF the reunited family member is a minor child aged under 14: in this case, it is compulsory to add the house-owner's authorisation and a copy of his/her identity card;
    • In the event of reunification of 1 single child aged under 14, and without housing eligibility certificate, the house-owner’s authorisation form S1 will be sufficient;

The CRITERIA, COSTS and DOCUMENTS required to obtain the issuance of HOUSING PROOF SUITABILITY OF ACCOMODATION can vary in case of Municipality of residence (Comune di residenza)
Ask your local municipal authority (Comune) which apply to you!

Click here to read what documents you need:

  • COPY OF THE UNILAV FORM or copy of employment contract;
  • in case of domestic work: past INPS dues and wages records;
  • Copy of income declaration of the previous year (CUD or 730 form or unico income tax declaration) and copy of last three monthly payrolls;
  • Any income, relating to the previous year, earned by cohabiting family members;
  • VAT;
  • COMPANY REGISTRATION REPORT (by Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Crafts Camera - Visura by Commercio Industria Artigianato);
  • Copy of INCOME DECLARATION of the previous year;
  • provisional financial report up-to-date as of previous month with date and signature of the accountant;
  • Copy of the accountant’s card
  • Annual Return, or other valid document for tax purposes, relating to the previous year;
  • Any income, relating to the previous year, earned by cohabiting family members;
Please note that such criteria are updated on a yearly basis

To apply for family reunification of one or more family member(s) you must meet the following INCOME criteria:

  •  +  APPLICANT + 1 FAMILY MEMBER 8.931 euro
  •  +   APPLICANT + 2 FAMILY MEMBERS   11.908 euro
  •  +   APPLICANT + 2 or more children aged under 14   11.908 euro
  •  +   APPLICANT + 3 FAMILY MEMBERS 14.885 euro ( e.g. 3 family members aged over 14 or 2 children aged under 14 + 1 family member aged over 14)
  •  +     APPLICANT + 4 FAMILY MEMBERS 17.862 euro
  • Add euro 2,977 for each extra family member

Cohabiting family members can integrate their income with documentation of Consulate.

Prefettura Forlì (Prefecture of Forlì)
Piazza Ordelaffi 2, Forlì (Fc)

From Monday to Friday 10 AM - 12 PM
Phone 0543.719445, 0543.719586, 0543.719425

Ufficio Prefettura Comune di Cesena (Office of the Prefecture of Cesena)
Piazzetta Cesenati del 1377 1, Cesena (Fc)

At the Registry Office
From Monday to Friday (except Thursday) 9:30 AM – 1 PM
Phone 0547.356455

Choose your Distretto (District):

Patronato Acli Savignano s/R (Acli Workers’ Association of Savignano s/R)
Piazza Guglielmo Oberdan, 3 – Savignano s/R (Fc)

Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8 AM - 12:30 PM
Phone 0541.944000
For information on other offices visit the website: aclifc.it

Sindacato Cgil Savignano s/R (Cgil Trade Union of Savignano s/R)
Via dei Consoli – Savignano s/R (Fc)

Every day 8 AM - 12:30 PM and 3 - 7 PM
Saturday 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM, closed on Wednesday afternoon
Phone 0541.945425
For information on other offices visit the website: cgilcesena.it

Sindacato Cisl Savignano s/R (Cisl Trade Union of Savignano s/R)
Via Donizetti, 21 – Savignano s/R (Fc)

Every day 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM and 3 - 6:30 PM
Saturday 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM, closed on Wednesday afternoon
Phone 0541.945708
For information on other offices visit the website: cislromagna.it

Sindacato Uil (Uil Trade Union)
For information on other offices visit the website: uil.it

Patronato Acli Cesena (Acli Workers’ Association of Cesena)
Via Pio Battistini, 20 – Cesena (Fc)

Monday, Wednesday 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM and 3 - 6 PM
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Phone 0547.335200
For information on other offices visit the website: aclifc.it

Sindacato Cgil Cesena (Cgil Trade Union of Cesena)
Via T. M. Plauto, 90 – Cesena (Fc)

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM and 2:30 - 6:30 PM
Wednesday 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Saturday 8:30 AM - 12 PM
Phone 0547.642111
For information on other offices visit the website: cgilcesena.it

Sindacato Cisl Cesena (Cisl Trade Union of Cesena)
Via Renato Serra, 15 – Cesena (Fc)

Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Tuesday, Thursday 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM and 3 - 6:30 PM
Saturday 8:30 AM - 12 PM
Phone 0547.644611
For information on other offices visit the website: cislromagna.it

Sindacato Uil Cesena (Uil Trade Union of Cesena)
Via Natale Dell'amore, 42 A – Cesena (Fc)

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM and 3 - 6:30 PM
Wednesday 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Saturday 8:30 AM - 12 PM
Phone 0547.21572
For information on other offices visit the website: uil.it

Patronato Acli Forlì (Acli Workers’ Association of Forlì)
Via Guido Bonali, 86/88 – Forlì (Fc)

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM and 3 - 6:30 PM
Thursday, Friday, Saturday 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Phone 0543 32 609
For information on other offices visit the website: aclifc.it

Sindacato Cgil Forlì (Cgil Trade Union of Forlì)
Via Pelacano, 7 – Forlì (Fc)

from Monday to Thursday 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM and 3 - 6:30 PM
Friday 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Saturday 8:30 AM - 12 PM
Phone 0543.453711
For information on other offices visit the website: cgilforli.org

Sindacato Cisl Forlì (Cisl Trade Union of Forlì)
Piazza del Carmine, 20 – Forlì (Fc)

Monday, Friday 8:30 AM - 2 PM and 3 - 6:30 PM
Tuesday, Thursday 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM and 3 - 6:30 PM
Wednesday 8:30 AM - 2 PM
Saturday 8:30 AM - 2 PM
Phone 0543.454511
For information on other offices visit the website: cislromagna.it

Sindacato Uil Forlì (Uil Trade Union of Forlì)
Via Paolo Bonoli, 17 – Forlì (Fc)

from Monday to Thursday 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM and 3 - 6:30 PM
Friday 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM and 3 - 6:15 PM
Saturday 8:30 AM - 12 PM
For information on other offices visit the website: uil.it